"No sign of alien life in reported UFO sightings" Really?
March 9, 2024 6:51:00 ET
Updated March 10, 2024
On Saturday March 9, 2024 the Toronto Star - Canada's most widely circulated newspaper - published an article concerning the U.S. Pentagon's denial report of any evidence being found of the existence of 'alien life'.
Toronto Star Article
In response ZNN wrote the letter below to the Star's editorial board. It remains to be seen if the Star will publish ZNN's letter.
The possible failure of the Star to publish ZNN's letter will be in stark contrast to the Star's formidable interest in UFOs as was shown in the 2013 front page article by then Washington Bureau Chief Mitch Potter.
Mr. Potter interviewed this author while in attendance at the five day long Citizen Hearing on Disclosure organized by PRG Director Steven Bassett at the Washington D.C. National Press Club.
ZNN's understanding is that the Toronto Star's article UFO believers invade Washington was the only front page coverage in North America of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure.ZNN's Letter to the Editor
[If ZNN readers feel the urge to write to the Toronto Star about the Pentagon's flawed attempt to dismiss evidence of an ET presence, the email address is lettertoed@thestar.ca]

"No sign of alien life in reported UFO sightings" Really?
March 9, 2024
The Star's insertion 'No sign of alien life' squeezed in at the bottom of page A21 presents one very scant assessment of a major geo-poilitcal issue.
The Pentagon's flawed attempt to deny any evidence of 'alien life' is a true continuation of the 75 year-old cover-up that began in 1947.
The bottom line here is that the US - as it has always attempted to do - tries to control the UAP narrative as its own. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The public has a right to know the full story.
First, the United States military has no God-given or universal right what-so-ever to ‘own’ or control this issue. The UAP/ET matter is NOT an American vestige or remnant of U.S. self-interests and self-declared ownership.
Second, it must be stated that this issue belongs to the entire international community and must be explained by using the wealth of data and testimony within international archives and among the huge research compendium of researchers and political activists.
Third, renowned Canadian UFO researcher Stanton T. Friedman and former Minister of Canadian National Defence, the Hon. Paul T. Hellyer provided Canadians with a wealth of proven data about the off-world origins of most UFOs.
As long as the United States military and intelligence establishment continues to assert its repressive full spectrum global dominance of the UAP/ET matter, the longer the truth will continue to be withheld from the international community.
The idea behind full spectrum dominance has been the linch-pin behind the ideology of American ascendancy since the fall of the Soviet Union. It is now time to challenge this ascendency through the UAP/ET issue.
Why is this important?
When neoconservatives William Kristol and Robert Kagan formed PNAC (the PROJECT FOR A NEW AMERICAN CENTURY) in 1997, they set out a new agenda for post-Cold War foreign and military policy that would ensure that the United States could claim the 21st century as its own.
The U.S. military is not only continuing to protect U.S. national security but, is now attempting to dismantle and discredit any narrative about the off-world origins of UAP.
The Pentagon’s statement about ‘no alien life’ has been fabricated to continue its control over the UAP narrative for the purpose of maintaining its façade of military superiority in the face of far superior ET technology - which by the way - they know exists and is in their possession.
This is why former U.S. intelligence officer David Grusch’s testimony before Congress on July 26, 2023 under oath is such a threat to the Pentagon and AARO.
Grusch's testimony indicated the United States government is in fact in possession of bio-logics (non-human bodies), non-human crashed craft material and reverse-engineered alien technology.
These assertions are the reasons for the Pentagon's push-back.
It is all quite simple really - the U.S. military and intelligence agencies cannot afford, nor will its duplicity ever allow them to concede that its dominance is not absolute.
There is much more to this story beyond a barely detectable insertion at the bottom of page A21.
Victor Viggiani M.Ed.
From the desk of
Victor Viggiani - News Director
ZlandCommunications NewsNetwork
Toronto Canada | Office 416-801-8056 | zland@sympatico.ca
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